Friday, October 5, 2012

Common Forms of Cosmetic Surgeries in the Present Time

Posted on 04. Oct, 2012admin in Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery plays a major role today to keep our body in right shape and rectify the parts of our body to look good, feel beautiful and have a healthy life.

Though cosmetic surgery is an expensive process, people are opting for it in a big way as it is the fastest way to get the desired results to enhance and shape our body parts.

Some of the major cosmetic surgeries performed today are-

  1. Cosmetic SurgeryBreast augmentation- for breasts that are not developed or have changed in size or shape during pregnancy or breast feeding. Silicone implants are the most common ways of breast implantation.
  2. Reduction- to reduce the size and to make breasts proportional to the body the surgery resizes enlarged; sagging breasts. Proper precautions are taken to keep its capacity to lactate intact.
  3. Smile makeover is a process to keep your smiling shining, whitening your teeth and restoring chipped, broken and cracked teeth. The facial appearance, the hair color, shape of the gums are all taken in to consideration before the process starts and veneers are placed over teeth to improve and enhance our smile.
  4. Liposuction is a process which removes the excess fat from thighs, abdomen, buttocks, neck, and laser liposuction is using waves to liquefy fatty tissues from our body. People, who do not like to diet and exercise, find this option as the best way to reduce weight.
  5. Hair removal laser technology is used to remove unwanted hair and permanent reduction.
  6. Eye brows tend to droop with age, and by eyebrow lifting process the eyebrows are elevated and unwanted wrinkles are removed between brow and the hairline.
  7. Scar less hair transplant is a process whereby individual hair follicles are moved from one part of the body to another and used to restore eyelashes, beard, and chest hair.

Although there are many other types of cosmetic surgeries, but they have not yet gained popularity as compared to those methods which are mentioned here.

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