Monday, April 2, 2012

ALL of Jerusalem is Israel?s Capital

John R. Houk

? March 31, 2012


The American people have spoken via their representation in Congress that Jerusalem must be recognized as the capital of Israel. This happened in 1995. Every President since then through today has not honored American representation to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. That would be two Democrats and one Republican: Clinton, Bush and Obama.


As far as Israel is concerned Jerusalem is the capital. Jerusalem is the City of David. Jerusalem is the citadel of Zion. Jerusalem is the city of God?s Presence. If Israel was more Jewish Observant than secular, there would be a stronger feeling the Temple Mount is being desecrated with the existence of two non-Jewish Mosques where the Temple of God should exist.


It is the existence of those two Mosques and the violence of Islam that the nations of the world refuse to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In 1948 Israel fought for its existence to be an independent nation as all the surrounding Muslim nations vowed to invade the nascent nation to drive all the off their land of heritage and into the sea. Israel was greatly outnumbered. The Arab-Muslim army that was the most successful against the emerging Jewish Defense Forces (IDF) was Jordan?s army then dubbed the Arab Legion. The Arab Legion?s success against Israel can be attributed to one factor. The officer leadership of the Arab Legion was British including the Arab Legion?s commanding General. ?Under the leadership of the British the Arab Legion drove to the gates of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City Jerusalem. Israel was forced to surrender the Old City which was the Eastern half of Jerusalem. In effect the Old City half of Jerusalem was conquered by Jordan with the help of Great Britain.


Under the protection of the Arab Legion; Muslims desecrated Jewish Synagogues, graves, Jewish places of historical significance and forced Jews of the Jewish Quarter to leave their homes that had roots into the thousands of years. That was 1948. In 1967 another alliance of Muslim-Arab nations tried to destroy Israel. Israel won handily and recovered East Jerusalem along with the Judea-Samaria area dubbed the West Bank by Jordan.


I believe it was a miracle of God Almighty that Israel was preserved and became the Jewish State. Israel became a safe haven for Jews to move back to without worry of a government persecuting them for being Jewish. Unfortunately the trade-off of freedom from persecution was to live in eternal vigilance to repulse Jew-haters that desire Jewish blood for merely returning to a sliver of land that was promised as an eternal possession from God Almighty to be a blessing to all the nations of the world.


Jewish people will disagree with this but part of that blessing is the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ the Son of God. Salvation is of the Jews. Jesus has brought Redemption to all who believe in His death, burial and Resurrection as Lord. Redemption is here for individuals but full Redemption will come for nations and the earth at the Messiah?s Second Coming. Salvation is of the Jews. Jewish possession of Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem is a precursor to the Second Coming Jesus Christ the Son of God and the son of David. In the plan of God the Jews are essential in the Redemption of the nations and the earth.


Whether a Biblical Christian (UNFORTUNATELY there is a large segment of Christianity that is more influenced by humanism and less influenced by the Bible) or a Jewish person, it should be agreed upon that Jerusalem is Jewish and is the capital of Israel.


That being established I am on record that the United States of America has played the dhimmi by not backing Israel by joining Congress and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


The American diplomatic corps via the State Department has the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv as do the other nations of the world that have diplomatic relations with Israel. America does have a Consulate in Jerusalem. I understand from Caroline Glick that the State Department via the Consulate is downright hostile to Jewish Israeli citizens that approach with personal business. Glick relates a personal tale about the American Consulate in Jerusalem that reflects the attitude of President Barack Hussein Obama toward Israel. Check it out and be prepared to be annoyed.


JRH 3/31/12

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